Category: Design Trends

Exploring the Kaleidoscope: A Journey Types of Mandala Art Paintings

Mandalas have captivated the human imagination for centuries, transcending cultures and time. The mandala, a Sanskrit word translating to “circle,” is more than just a geometric design. It’s a powerful symbol woven into the fabric of various cultures, representing wholeness, infinity, and the cosmos. These intricate circles, often bursting with colors and patterns, have transcended […]

Building Your Creative Calling Card: Dos and Don’ts of a Graphic Design Portfolio

Your graphic design portfolio is your golden ticket to the industry. It’s the first impression you make on potential employers or clients, showcasing your skills, creativity, and design thinking process. But with so much to consider, building a strong portfolio can feel overwhelming. Here’s a comprehensive guide packed with dos and don’ts to help you […]

Brushing Up on Style: The Hottest Home Paint Trends to Elevate Your Interiors in 2023

The first thing that catches attentions of our guests when entering our home is the how appealing the visual of our home is, I am sure that we all would agree that, the colors of the walls & furniture etc. Theses together play a crucial role in influencing what impression does this visual leaves on […]